Strange Obsessions. Shows your kids watch over and over.

If you are a parent, you have probably gone through phases in your children’s lives when they are obsessed with something. If you don’t have children, you probably remember a time when you were younger and were obsessed with something yourself. But sometimes either our kids, or our younger selves have some really strange TV obsessions!

When I was a kid, I remember going through some pretty odd go-to favorites that as and adult I question myself. My favorite movie has always been “The Nightmare Before Christmas” for as far back as I can remember. Thinking about a small kid loving a movie with a skeleton as the main character kidnapping Santa and ruining Christmas is probably a bit strange when you think about it. Another movie I watched over and over as a child was “The Mask”. As an adult I realize how much this was probably not child appropriate, but I burned through at least one VHS from over use of this movie when I was younger.

Now that I am a parent myself, I notice some incredibly odd obsessions my own children have adopted. They have all gone through the normal phases that most kids fall in to. My oldest loved “Mickey Mouse Club House” for a solid year, and moved right into “SpongeBob Squarepants” for another solid year. Watching these shows over and over was a bit mind numbing, but they really weren’t all that strange.

One strange phase my oldest went through was his obsession with watching the movies “8 Crazy Nights”, and “Easy A”. This was probably a parenting fail for myself, as these are not really kids movies, but he was 3 and absolutely loved them. I could see why with “8 Crazy Nights” because it is a cartoon-based Adam Sandler movie about Christmas, but I honestly could not tell you what he saw in “Easy A”. He watched them over and over several times a day when we did not have TV for a year that we lived in a house far out of town.

A relatively new one in my house has been brought on by our youngest, the two year old. I am not sure what started it, but he has become absolutely obsessed with watching the movie “Coraline”. He asks for this movie by name, “I watch my Coraline Jones” is what he says to us, and he watches this movie several times a day sometimes. If you haven’t seen this movie, I have to tell you, it is creepy! Much like “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, it is a stop action Claymation film. The main plot is about a little girl who moves to a new apartment home filled with some strange neighbors. A beldam lives behind a small door in the wall and tries to sew buttons into the eyes of children so that she can keep them and eat them. It is seriously off putting, but it is also a legitimate child film, and for some reason my youngest just LOVES this movie! It doesn’t seem to scare him, and we never have issues with nightmares so more power to him I suppose.

What are some strange obsessions your Child has fallen into? What did you love watching when you were a child? Comment below, follow my blog, and don’t forget to like my Facebook page at the link here.

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