Month 1 of Fitness-Don’t Stop!

It is officially February, which means for those who made fitness one of their New Year’s Resolutions that we are one month deep into our transformations! Congratulations to all you lovely people out there who have come this far, you Rock!!

I’m switching up my normal posts for fitness this week because I want to talk about something that usually happens right around this time. After a month of working our butts off (pun intended) we expect some SERIOUS results. If you are getting those results, that is fantastic! But. For those of you who feel like you just aren’t getting anywhere, or that it’s going much slower then you anticipated, and are starting to feel like giving up, you aren’t alone!

So many people make this commitment and then either find that it is too difficult, or they just aren’t seeing the results they expected, so they completely give up. I’m here to tell you NOT to do that! Dieting is hard! Portion control is hard! Staying hydrated and getting a good nights rest is hard! Working out is hard! But you know what’s even harder? Hating how you feel about yourself. Not liking how your clothes fit. Feeling insecure in your own skin. Not wanting to look in the mirror. Feeling like you aren’t worth it. THOSE ARE HARD!

If you have slacked on your workouts, cheated too much on your diet, or fell off the bandwagon completely, I am here to tell you that it’s okay! You can still get back into it. You don’t have to quit completely just because you have had a hard week. You don’t have to feel like a failure. We are human, and it happens to all of us! Trust me. I honestly am here to tell you that no one is perfect all the time, and this process is not easy. Sometimes it takes baby steps to make it where we want to go, not leaps and bounds.

If you are feeling like maybe this won’t work for you, or that everyone is right when they say fitness as a resolution is a cliché, let me tell you from experience, it is totally doable!

Four years ago I was in the exact same spot I am now. I was over weight, I felt bad about my body, I wore baggy clothes to try and cover up my stomach, and I wasn’t happy. So, I decided to make a resolution to change that. I worked really hard! I ate right (mostly), I exercised by doing home workouts and jogging later once it wasn’t so cold outside. I put in the work and within 6 months, I not only hit my goal weight, but I exceeded that goal by 5 pounds. I went from 157lbs in the first two pictures, down to 125lbs in the last picture. I felt amazing!


Shortly after losing all the weight I became pregnant with our last child though, and have not gotten back to that weight since. This year is the year I plan to get back to the body I worked so hard for four years ago.

But it’s not easy! 4 years ago I was 22 1/2, now I am 26 1/2 and that difference in age does make a difference in metabolism. 4 years ago I had only gone through 2 pregnancies, now I have given birth 3 times, at it makes a difference in my body. 4 years ago I was able to drop 7lbs in the first week, this time it didn’t melt off that easily. 4 years ago I worked a part time job in a fast food pizza place where I was on my feet a lot, and also had my own bounce house rental business that required some heavy lifting. Now I am a stay at home mom, babysitter, blogger, starting up my own business as Pure Romance consultant, and I am in my house more than I am outside.

Everything makes a difference, and I know that this time around I might have to put in a little more work, and it might take a while longer. I don’t expect the same results as I got 4 years ago, just as I don’t expect to have the same results as others doing the same things. We all have a different process to work through.

So, if you notice someone else getting amazing, quick results on their journey to fitness and you aren’t getting those results, don’t quit! Maybe your journey just doesn’t look like theirs. Everyone is different, so why should the results all be the same? KEEP GOING!

Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard!

Don’t forget to like and share this post so that others can get the encouragement they need!



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