

If you are reading this, there are several reasons you may be here. You may be a minimalism enthusiast searching for a place to start, or some inspiration. You might be a parent looking for some other parents to relate to. Possibly, you have all boys as well, or a large family, or a blended family. Maybe you live paycheck to paycheck and need some tricks on how to reduce expenses. Or perhaps you love reading the ramblings of a stay at home mom that is starting up her own.

For whatever reason you have landed on this site, stick around, because it’s going to get interesting!

In order for you to get an idea of what you might be reading about, I’ll give you a little information about myself:

I am 26 years old, a wife of 6 years, and a mother to 4 little boys. (You read that right, 4 BOYS) I first became a mother at 18 and have been doing the parenting thing ever since. My husband and I each had a child before getting married, so we instantly became a blended family. After having two more children together, we have grown to a family of 6, (7 if you include our cat, which I totally do because I am one of those people) and I am in a house full of all boys, excluding myself.

The plan for this blog is to talk about a broad stroke of topics, from minimalism, to being frugal. Parenting stories, to everyday madness. There will be tips and tricks, inspiration, the occasional craft, and a look into my own life. If there is something you are interested in, or want to read more of, let me know!
